Day 104: May 29th
Well.. to my surprise, little man has made it to 80% feeds today!! What a champ! They’ve taken out his feeding tube, and he is ad lib feeds today and doing great! Which is impressive considering he also had his eye exam this afternoon, and often times they are not up for much at all post exam. They had also dropped him down to 100cc’s on his oxygen, but needed to go back to 200 after the eye exam. It just takes it out of their system to go through the stress of the exam.
We also proceeded to go ahead with his “2 month” vaccines now that he’s more stable and getting closer to discharge.. YES! I said discharge!! They mentioned it could happen as early as next week! Next steps are to get his oxygen down, making sure he’s gaining wait on adlib feeds, then onto hearing test, carseat test, and room air test (They take out his low flow and see how long it takes him to desat, and if he can recover if by chance his prongs fall out at night or during outings.). At this point, his nurses are pretty convinced he will fail the room air test, however that won’t necessarily stop us from going home. They will need to order a pulse ox that we can take home, which just delays our going home date by about a week until it arrives. But still!! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter! We’re thrilled!!