CassiHise Photography

Our Family

Day 124: June 18th

So it seems Ryker threw up 3 out of 4 of his feeds last night. Not LARGE volumes, like he’s done in the past, but still more than we’d like..

He also threw up 3 out of 4 of his feeds during day shift, one 17mls, one 18mls, and one 30mls.. They’re still saying if he continues to gain weight the next couple of days despite his spit ups, and maintains his stats when he does, then they’d still be able to send us home. Here’s to hoping for some weight gain.

He didn’t poo anymore overnight, but he did have one later this afternoon. I’m REALLY hoping he just needs to get regular again, and perhaps the spit ups will calm down like they did when he first switched formulas.

Ryker also had his MRI this evening (just for a baseline if they ever need to compare it in the future). Tori said he did great, stayed still and one of the easiest MRI’s she’s assisted in. We should know more tomorrow about the results..

Goals for the rest of the week: Poop, eat, gain weight, spit up, and hopefully go home..