CassiHise Photography

Our Family

Day 16: March 2, 2019 …. 2lbs 15oz

Another Head measure today. In the last 3 days it has measured 1/2 cm bigger each day.. however there is likely some variance since it’s been a different doctor has measured his head each day due to shift schedules. The same doctor will be measuring his head throughout the upcoming week so we can get a more consistent measure. 

Next head ultrasound is Monday. His doctor today- Dr. Barry was so kind to take extra time with us to look over the last 2 head ultrasounds to show what they are seeing. I saw the last ultrasound and have heard some discussion of it through rounds, although Nick hasn’t been here all week, so it was a good review for both of us. It was clear that the bleeding that did occur was reabsorbing, and we could see the difference in ventricle size and why they were concerned about a clot. He explained it as if it was a plumbing system, and they are looking to see if the drain is either slow flowing, or completely clogged.  Often what occurs is the baby’s head will expand at a rapid rate for the first 3-4 weeks of life, then the growth will plateau a bit, then gradually decrease over the next month or so. He gave Ryker about a 50/50 chance of this happening or us needing to be transferred to Children’s Hospital for a shunt. So once again, it’s a waiting game. 

Heading home today for the first time in 6+ weeks to visit with the girls and grab a vehicle now that I’m off the driving restrictions. Looking forward to it!