Day 18: March 4, 2019 … 3lbs
So, ultrasound is actually scheduled for Thursday – The weekend staff must have mixed up their days when they mentioned Monday.. Thursday makes sense since they wanted another ultrasound a week out from the last. So we’ll see what Thursday brings.
His head measured a bit bigger today.. 28.5cm. We officially have the same doc measuring his head throughout the week, so hopefully we’ll have a more accurate measurement of change. There are some environmental factors that could affect his head size, such as how much his CPAP mask & hat are squeezing his head, how he’s laid throughout the day (the nurses are good about rotating him to keep his noggin round), and just overall placement of the measuring tape. They have to move swiftly as they have to remove all of his CPAP gear to get their measurements, so I could see how there could be some variances and why they look for an overall change over several days.
He was a bit of a cranky butt today. Was not a fan of PT, which is just gentle massage at this time. He just didn’t enjoy being touched most of the day. He did get his heart rate touching the 160’s today though, which was amazing! He normally sits in the mid 180’s, and will drop to mid 170’s when he’s having a good day.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Hoping his head size changes start slowing down..