CassiHise Photography

Our Family

Day 60: April 15th

Happy tax day! Ryker is 2 months old today! He’s over 6lbs and hanging out on the 50% growth chart, which is remarkable. Our girls were no where near 50% for length and weight.

Ryker had a bit of a rough night. Still having oxygen and heart rate drops. His nurse is trying to get him to lay on his left side more since he seems to favor his right side. They try to position him differently to keep his noggin round and reduce bed sores. Apparently every time she’d put him on his left side, his oxygen rate would drop.. she’s mentioned it to the neonatal team and they are going to do a chest X-ray today to see if there were any signs of pneumothorax (hole in his lung.. which is what Zylee was in for in the NICU).

I also received a call from neurosurgery. They checked out Ryker and reviewed the ultrasound. The combination of the pocket of fluid growing bigger, the firmness of it, and the fact that he’s having more frequent episodes of apnea and bradycardia is signifying that the subgaleal shunt is beginning to fail. They have scheduled Ryker for his VP shunt surgery tentatively on Thursday.. Not news we were wanting to hear on a Monday morning.. but we knew it was coming sometime in the future. Hopefully he’ll start feeling better once the fluid is no longer pocketing in his head, and we can start moving forward again.