CassiHise Photography

Our Family

Day 92: May 17th

Ryker is down to 150cc’s on his oxygen! He did really well on his feeds overnight. Although he seems to be a little more Tuckered our when it comes to taking feeds when they drop his oxygen. Seems to be handling the change well though overall!

Zylee story of the day: As we were riding the elevator up to our floor at Ronald McDonald, Miss Zylee swiftly pushed the emergency call button on the wall. Normally I block her just before she gets to it.. however I was a half a second too slow today. It begins ringing to connect to the emergency line. Zylee proceeds to say “hello?!” with each ring. An automated voice recording came on just as we stepped off the elevator, in which Zylee kept trying to talk to it. I had to move her away before it officially connected to the Aurora dispatch. Stinker!

I let them know at the front desk incase they received a call, that it wasn’t an actual emergency. Just a toddler who enjoys pushing buttons.

She also attempted to push the “code blue” button in Ryker’s room as I was getting his daily update from his nurse. She knew to lift the plastic cover and all… Glad we didn’t endure that excitement in the NICU ward.. life is going to be insanely busy when I’m chasing after this little one with a ‘newborn’ in one arm. 🙄